Pune IT Park - Corporate Parking 23 kW Solar System

Pune IT Park - IT Building 100 kW Solar System

Pune IT Park - IT Tower and IT Tower 2 500kw

Pune IT Park - IT Company Head Quarters 100 kW

Largest Rooftop Solar Power Plant under BESCOM Net Metering Scheme of 1 MW Over Warehouse at India's Largest Foodpark, Tumkur, Karnataka.
Uniquely Designed East-West Rooftop Plant Over Warehouse

415 kW solar rooftop power plant over warehouse, installed over acute sloping roof facing East-West direction, with generation as per design parameters equaling south facing roofs, grid connected plant, 11 kV evacuation at Parapana Agrahara, Bangalore, under BESCOM Net-metering scheme, Govt of Karnataka, commissioned March 2016.
110 KW Plant at Kalyana Mantapa, Near Holiday Village, Bengaluru

110 KW Plant at Kalyana Mantapa, near Holiday Village, Bengaluru, Commissioned in March 2016. Technology Designed for E-W roof with significant shadow of nearby high rise buildings, but delivering generation as per design parameters equally south facing roofs and under Net-metering policy of BESCOM, Govt of Karnataka and commissioned in March 2016.
50 KW Plant at Citibank NA
Solar Tracker at Bangalore 50kW Solar System

200 KW Plant at Textile Company

200 KW Plant at Textile company, Kumbalagodu, Bangalore.
100 KW Plant at Agarbatti Company

100 KW Plant at Agarbatti company, Kagalipura, Bangalore. Designed for high span PEB roof.
First Net-Metered system of Andhra Pradesh policy in Hindupur of 400 kW

RenXSol as part of another firsts to its credit, designed, engineered, supplied, executed and commissioned in October 2015, the largest and the first net-metered rooftop project of AP with successful approvals of all agencies as CEIG and APSPEDCL with bi-directional meter at Hindupur,AP. The company is amongst the largest textile firms with global clientale and took this initiative to go green in use of energy for its factory usage and exporting surplus power to grid as per AP policy. The solar power plant uses multicrystalline solar panels of 300 Wp of Gintech Energy Corporation - Taiwan with ABB string inverter technology. The project was executed in a short time with all approvals. The plant is expected to save the client in electricity bills or by export of power of about approximately Rs 2.8 lakhs monthly with return on investment to client generally within 5 years. The strong engineering expertise and disciplined work force was well appreciated by all stakeholders. This will enable government to provide reliable electricity to about 160 semi-urban/rural houses using 2 kW power (10 units daily) without any investment. It also enables to protect the environment by reducing carbon footprint of the company by 600 kgs of carbon dioxide annually.
Solar Drying
Onion, Cucumber & Garlic Drying in Rajkot, Gujarat

Food processing entrepreneur in Rajkot, Gujarat wanted a drying system for drying 200 Kg onion, garlic and cucumber per day to cut down on diesel consumption used for the same. He also wanted to reduce fungus formation by reducing moisture to around 5% to improve value of produce.
40 sqm air heating system installed with customized drying chamber with an innovative distribution design to reduce moisture from 70% to 5%.
- Energy of 7.8 litres of diesel / or 90 KW of electrical load per batch of 200 Kg.
- Due to reduction in moisture to required level improved and there is no fungus formation, thereby increasing produce quality.
Tobacco Leaves Drying

Tobacco company in Rajahmundry, AP used firewood for drying of tobacco leaves which is a mere curing process involving complex chemical and physical changes to achieve, a commercially acceptable cured leaf of lemon or orange colour. There are four stages of curing, viz.
- Yellowing stage
- Color Fixing for 12 Hrs
- Lamina Drying for 48 Hrs
- Stem Drying for 24 Hrs
The drying of leaves is done in a barn (generally 16'x16'x16' approx. size). The air inside the room is normally heated by using firewood. The Solar System provides the hot air during daytime to maintain the temperature inside the barn. The fan draws the heated air through solar panels blowing the same into the room.
"Solarwall" is fixed to all sidewalls and north & south roof covering total area of 130 sqm. Hot air is sucked from all side and rooftop through the axial fan, allowing this air inside the barn. Glazing is fixed on top of solarwall on all sides for 130 sqm and barn is insulated in uncovered areas to reduce heat loss. Air flow from the blower is controlled by dampers.
- Fuel savings of 40% was achieved in solar barn compared to the conventional barn. As a result of better air circulation and ventilation in solar barn, the quality of dried leaves were improved.
- Additional Loading of 25-30% is possible in solar barn. Five cycles' output in a conventional barn could be achieved with four cycles of solar barn (a saving of one complete cycle).
- For every cycle 3000 kgs green leaf of solar barn, approximately a saving of Rs 1240/- towards the wood cost and logistics and manpower.
- Improvement in quality of leaves– Export grade rose from 7% to 39%. The last grade of "tambaku" was reduced from 40% to 5%. The cost improvement in these savings was significant.
- The overall return on investment was calculated in one year if quality of leaf drying is considered along with fuel saved.
Return on investment was achieved in 6 months due to major benefit in product quality improvement
Coir Pith Drying

A Hassan, Karnataka plant specializing in drying coir pith, a fine granular material extracted from underneath the coconut skin. After the raw materials are assembled at the drying facility, they are soaked in water for 1 hour to remove sodium. Following this, the coir peat is dried for commercial sale; it is mechanically pressed and the moisture content is lowered to around 70%. Final drying occurs in a fluidized bed dryer which further reduces the moisture content to 20% using 6,950 L/s (25,000 m3/ hr) of ambient air heated to 105°C. The final product is extremely absorbent and buoyant, making it ideal for usage in soil replacement and oil spills.
It was important to have a drying process that would be:
- Cost-effective
- Not add further pollution to the local environment
- Not adversely harm the coir peat.
It was determined that a SolarWall® solar air heating system would provide a cost-effective means for reducing diesel fuel. A 414 m2 (4456 ft2) of system was installed on the roof. Heat from the surface of the solar collector was ducted down into the burner, yielding a nominal air flow of 60 m3/h/m2 and preheating the air entering the dryer by 20°C. The system has relatively long operating hours and operates at moderate temperatures. It displaced about 14% of the heating fuel, yielding a two year payback.
Engineering College Pune 250kW Solar System

First Net-Metered system under Maharashtra policy of 100 kW in Pune

RenXSol recently had another first to its credit, with successful design, engineering, supply, installation of 100 kW rooftop power plant for a school in Pune, Maharashtra. As per the new policy notified by Government of Maharashtra in Sept 2015, this project was completed in record time of 45 days. It helps save the client about 13500 units monthly with return on investment to client within 5 years at current local tariffs. The children of the school will thus be studying using an eco-friendly power and help government and society by contributing to provide power to 40 semi-urban / rural houses using 2 kW power (10 units daily), as well as reducing carbon footprint by 150 kgs annually.
Solar Thermal Systems
Leading School in Bangalore

RenXSol successfully commissioned 5000 litres, 4 units totaling 20000 litres for a leading school in Bangalore. The system provides hot water round the clock for children staying in dormitories and hostels in an eco-friendly way. The system used latest technology flat plate collector panels with textured glass enabling high efficiency and reliability.
Solar Lighting
LED Street

RenXSol successfully installed and commissioned 24 high efficiency 56 W LED street lights using six metre high poles for a leading school in Bangalore. The system provides automatic lighting from sunset to sunrise without using power from the grid. This enables children and security staff in the school be un-affected by the frequent power cuts noticed in Bangalore or during rains and cloudy days, by having well-lit roads and surroundings.
Centralized LED Street Lighting

Centralized LED street Lighting system for 12 hours dusk to dawn auto operation at Medical College campus.
Ramakrishna Mission

Off-grid system at Ramakrishna Mission - 3 kW off-grid system with battery back up for one day operation.
AC Submersible Pumps

RenXSol powers AC submersible pumps of 10 HP, 12.5 HP, 15 HP, 25 HP using solar energy. The farmers who faced severe problems due to power cuts and un-reliable power, were able to depend on the solar energy to irrigate their crops and store water for future use during cloudy periods. The solar system design reliability was appreciated as it gave same discharge to farmers without affecting performance.
Agricultural Cultivation

Agricultural Cultivation
Large Apartment Complex 110 kW Solar System

Biggest Apartment complex in South Bangalore 49.7 kW Solar System

JNR Apartment 309 kW Solar System

Blore Begur Apartment 10kW Solar System

Apartment Parking 1 and 2 294kW Solar System

Rooftop 3.8 kW JP Nagar, Bangalore

3.1 kW Rooftop Solar Net-Metered System

7 kW Rooftop Solar Net-Metered system over elevated frame on roof of client

9 kW Net-Metered grid tied, rooftop solar power plant in elevated frame on rooftop

8 kW and 4 kW rooftop solar power plant under net metering scheme, Bangalore

10 kW rooftop Solar Power Plant over elevated roof under net metering scheme, grid tied.

Rooftop 3 kW, Uttarahalli, bangalore

Rooftop 4.2 kW Subramanyapura main Road, Bangalore
Humanity Hands
Christel House, Bangalore

Rooftop 17kW, Christel House, Bangalore.
Rooftop 15 kW system, at Ramakrishna Mission