Turnkey PMC

Services offered for Rooftop Systems, Decentralized systems, Ground based MW scale systems, Rural Electrification systems, Agricultural Pumping systems
- Identification, Survey and Selection of Potential Site including site feasibility study (Roof or Ground based Assessment, Dust level study & Electrical System Study).
- Assistance of site requirements of soil tests, electrical resistivity tests, drainage and rain water harvesting.
- Civil and structural requirements for designated wind speed and life.
- Electrical design of solar plant, interconnection feasibility, transmission, evacuation etc.
- Potential, varied solar technology sources and technology feasibility specific to site based on direction, radiation, shading etc.
- Studies including simulation parameters, due diligence & parameters check.
- Solar Radiation Assessment Study suited for location.
- Design, drawings and engineering development for whole project for freezing towards implementation.
- Development of specifications, technical Support in selection of suppliers/vendor selection and enabling place procurement orders.
- Oversight, Quality checks and Implementation of Solar Projects.
- Design checks during execution for projects and evaluation of guarantee parameters and compliances of vendors.
- Permissions, drawings, liasoning& approvals support for solar project pre and post closures.
- Oversight of all electrical implementation, underground or overground cased cabling, transmission lines, switchyard and safety compliance.
- Fire and Safety compliances.
- Cleaning system requirements, effectiveness and implementation oversight.
- Site security, surveillance, lighting and other requirements of site.
- Plant monitoring, SCADA, communication systems.
- Storage systems where applicable for time of day use.
- Implementation of MW scale projects based on PPA mode, third party sale, REC based & captive power plant.
- Plant performance evaluation post commissioning.
- Operation & Maintenance Services.
- Assist in REC Accreditation, registration & Issuance.